Saturday, July 02, 2016

Kek Lok Si @ Penang 极乐寺


Early morning on the second day, we took bus #204 from Komtar bus station to Kek Lok Si, the biggest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia. The bus stopped opposite the Ayer Itam market. so we walked towards the temple which was quite a distance away.  

Kek Lok Si is built on a hilltop and we need to climb many flights of stairs to get there. I have been to Kek Lok Si many years ago but it was my hubby's first time and he insisted on going up. I dread climbing stairs so hubby suggested I wait for him at the foot of the hill. I didn't want to be alone so I went with him. It was a tough climb. *fuming*

PD 11

Both sides of the sheltered stairways are lined with shops. There is ongoing construction and we have to be very careful as we climbed. When we reached the above pagoda, there were many beggars sitting around begging for money.

Temples are built on different levels of the hill, all the way to the top. We rested between temples as we climbed. I took pictures while hubby offered prayers. It was an extremely hot and hazy day, the pictures didn't turn out well. *disappointed*


There were many visitors that day, I had to wait for them to move away before taking photos. The temples have a picturesque setting against the mountains of Penang. My pictures would have been better if there were clear, blue skies. ish.


I saw some children hanging colourful ribbons on this tree. I went closer for a look and burst out laughing. The wordings on the ribbons read "Be obedient to Father", "Be obedient to Mother", "Be obedient to both parents", "Study hard" etc. Each ribbon costs RM1.


Fortunately for us, we could ride a cable car to the apex of the hill. A return trip costs RM6. As there were many visitors, we had to queue for the ride both ways.


When we reached the top of the hill, we saw a huge bronze statue of Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy) looking out to the city of Penang. It is the tallest Guanyin statue in the world.

Many visitors were taking pictures in a beautiful garden with pagoda and a koi pond. There were also stone statues of 12 zodiac animals lined up beside the Guanyin statue.


When hubby finished paying his respects to the deities, we were both perspiring profusely from the warm weather and needed some cold drinks. We rode the cable car down to the middle of the hill and walked down the dark stairway again.

My legs were wobbly after 3 hours of climbing and walking. Before I could have a drink, a friend came to pick us up for a late lunch.

在槟城的第二天早上, 我们搭公车去槟城极乐寺(Kek Lok Si)。极乐寺位于亚依淡, 建于1893年,寺庙依山而建,占地12公顷。据说是东南亚最大的佛教寺庙。看到要爬一串长长的楼梯, 我只想拍几张照就走。老公坚持要上山拜拜, 我勉为其难陪他上山。

我们走过一个有遮蔽的蜿蜒通道,整条通道上都是商家在售卖纪念品。我们一直走到半山腰的庙内。 接着坐缆车到山顶看巨型青铜观音圣像和八角亭宝盖。山顶景色怡人, 但当天天气太热, 我们不敢久留。

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