Sunday, March 09, 2008

eastcoastlife Eaten Alive by Fish!? - WS #14

It was a freak accident. This morning, eastcoastlife and her students went boating and were attacked by a shark.

Very sad. So young. So beautiful. sigh .......


The truth is : eastcoastlife was attacked by fish......., not by a shark but these

Fish (Garra Rufa) nibbling at the dead skin

I went to a tropical fish farm and enjoyed a Fish Spa. This fish farm, Qian Hu, operates a nail spa that is different. Instead of using conventional tools to remove the dead skin and cuticle of your feet, it uses the fish, garra rufa.

The garra rufa is commonly known as Doctor Fish, Nibble Fish, Kangal Fish or Lickers Fish. This non-migratory freshwater fish is found in the rivers of Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Syria. In hot pools, this fish can live at a temperature around 37 degree Celsius. They have a lifespan of 4 to 6 years.

At Qian Hu Fish Spa, customers are seated round a huge communal fish pool with their legs immersed in it. Scores of fish nibble away at the dead skin on their feet. I felt hundreds of tweezers pecking at my feet. It was ticklish, occasionally a bigger nibble fish would take a big bite. eowwwww ........

I was told my skin would feel silky smooth and healthy after the dull and dead skin is removed. So I graciously endured for 30 minutes. A lady claimed her skin was smoother after the treatment and intends to have her whole body immersed the next session. Horrors!

This Doctor Fish therapy is said to heal Psoriasis. The fish nibble at the diseased skin until the upper skin is completely removed and release a small quantity of dithranol, an enzyme which results in skin rejuvenation.

Qian Hu sells these fish, so you can re-create the spa at home. A small Garra rufa costs $10 and a larger one is $20. Don't worry, these are not Pirahna fish, your kid would not turn into a skeleton should they accidentally fall into the pool. hehehe....

Charges :
$10 for 30 minutes, with slippers and towels which you are free to take home.

Get eaten by fish - rewind and relax with your family and friends

Qian Hu Fish Farm
No.17 Jalan Lekar, Sungei Tengah, Singapore 698950.
Tel : (65) 6766 7087

Open Daily
Mon - Thurs : 9 am to 6 pm
Fri - Sun & Public Holiday : 9 am to 7 pm

This linky is for Weekend Snapshot members who comment on my post.

Spam is deleted.


  1. That's pretty cool!!! Does it feel ticklish? Imagine it's ticklish and I'll be laughing like a mad woman for 30 minutes!!

  2. good lord! i almost thought it was true..hehehhe! happy weekend!

  3. LOL! Looks like you had a fab weekend,eh! :D Nice one!

  4. napaboaniya,
    Yes! It's so ticklish!

    hahahahahahaha..... the next time I need to wear Pampers.

  5. That was a fun start to a very interesting post! Great info.

  6. First time I heard about this. I'm not comfortable though w/ the thought that fish will feast on my feet. Lol.

  7. That is wild! I can't imagine allowing fish to nibble on my feet, let alone an entire body immersion! Yikes!! But at least you get a towel & slippers!

  8. very interesting post, you learn something new everyday.

  9. Would love to check that out! You seems to have an enjoyable weekend.
    Are those fish also edible?? haha just curious.

  10. eastcoastlife,
    $10 only?? Cheap cheap! I saw this "service" before in television. And they mentioned that this is real good.

  11. mmehaydee,
    No! The fish is not edible! hehe....

    I cannot imagine eating fish which eat diseased skin!! *pukes*

  12. Kok,
    Wah! You find it cheap? I exfoliate my dead skin myself ... that's free.
    hehehe.... I'm a cheapskate lah.

  13. I have never heard of such a thing! What a neat way to use nature to do something others use chemicals for! Neat!

  14. Great effect on the first photo.

    That fish spa is very, very interesting. What was the experience like? I don't think we have something like that here.

  15. Hi ECL! So how was it? Did it really made your skin smoother? I saw a news report on this and they are really testifying to the greatness of this fish spa.

    Have a great week ahead!


  16. Hmmm... looks like lots of toe tickling fun! The question I want to ask though is whether your feet really felt much smoother after that?

  17. rachael,
    It was very ticklish. Imagine lots of fish nibbling at your skin. And when the bigger fish takes a bite, it's like a pinch. yeow....

  18. sasha,
    Oh... I had some flaky skin on my heels and parts of it was eaten by the fish! There was quite a number of people in the pool, so the fish was divided among the people.

    A few people seem to have lots of fish nibbling at their feet. I suspect their skin tasted better than mine. duh!

  19. coolinsider,
    Yes. It does feel smoother.

    I'll try another two sessions and then buy the fish for my own home fish spa, then you and Ethan can come feed my fish. hehehe......

  20. It would have been more than ticklish had it been a great white shark!

  21. Captain Picard,
    Yes.... I'm sure I would not be tickled if it's a great white shark! hehe....

  22. Too funny, glad it wasn't a shark that got you. Interesting post about the fish spa.

  23. the fish spa fever has caught on here in KL too. one will be open at the mall near my office, and i'm game to try it :D

    have a great week ahead! :)

  24. This sounds very ticklish! I don't know if I could stand 30 minutes of it at one sitting LOL.


  25. Er... was it really work? Hmm... I'm just sceptical about it. But it must be quite funny that looking at the fish around your legs and the ticklish feeling.

  26. that's so cool! i would love to try it. i wish they have it in here. happy ws.

  27. Seeing as how I have strong phobia towards fish, this would be a nightmare!! However, I would greatly appreciate the rejuvenated skin . . .

  28. Wow that sounds cool and scary at the same time, I'd love to try the pedicure, not sure about the whole body

  29. have a nice weekend :) happy WS

  30. I've never heard of this before! Could be because I don't live in Singapore, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, or Syria, I guess. I'm pretty sure NO fresh water bodies EVER get to be that warm here in Canada!!

    I LOVE getting my feet tickled -- I find it very soothing and relaxing (it drives my hubby nuts because he's super ticklish) -- so I'm betting this is something I'd really enjoy.

  31. weee.. wanna try that one too!

    mine is up too!
    see yah!
    happy WS!

  32. men if we go inside i think the fish would eat us up there..towel or no towel iiks! suituapui left u a message on my post about glutton food

  33. so cheap!! i also wanna go lerrr!!!!!!

  34. I volunteer to feed your fish once you got them? :P

  35. That first one is cool, you did a great job combining the photos! Happy WS!

  36. look like a place I should visit when i fly to s'pore :-D

  37. OMGoodness! I don't think I can soak my feet in there, I'm so ticklish. that's the reason why I seldom go and have a foot spa =)

  38. fish nibbling on my skin gives me the creeps! :-s

  39. windy,
    The fish REALLY eat the dead skin! My flaky skin on the heels has been almost removed! ... I applied some moisturiser last night on my feet and this morning, the skin feels better.

    I will try feeding them some more..... hehe...

  40. Welll, you 'got' my attention with that photo. OUCH!

  41. etceteramommy,
    Thanks for volunteering. I'll put you down on my feeding list. hahaha.....

  42. looked like a likely destination for me, my feet alway kena dead skin and those red red things!!

    sorry hor, not HK feet!!

  43. that's a very interesting spa treatment! i wonder if i can endure 30 minutes of ticklish nibbling. hahaha!

  44. Cool - I've never heard of that before :D
    Would love to do that, sigh :D!!

  45. i did see something like this on television just a few days ago .... seems like they are really popular!

  46. those are helpful fishes!looks so refreshing :)

    my first time to know that you`re a teacher,too?thats great ;)


  47. What if a person have athelete's foot??!! Poor fish! :O

  48. So we don't need to feed the fishes? :) They just eat the dead skin right?

    I heard abt this but never try it before. Hope one day I will :)

  49. Haha...I was also thinking what tigerfish wrote. Poor fish!! :)

  50. wow ... that's so cool! I'm ticklish so I think this isn't for me! lol.

  51. So is it true..? the skin all smooth..??

  52. A fish spa!! never heard of that! the things I learn through blogging ...

  53. that's cool!

    a great therapy too

  54. sound unusual...but i wanna try a fish spa for myself....have a nice day!

  55. So, did it work? Did your skin feel wonderful afterward to just prunny from being in water too long?

    Just Say These Words

  56. Like !'m ha! ha! looks like you enjoyed it very much huh! Would you do it again?

  57. That is wild! Love it. Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope you are having fun!


  58. What? OMG! I can't imagine how ticklish it would be, lol. I can't do it, lol.

    Great photos!

  59. Does that mean people can also immerse their face into the water for facial treatment? Eeeewwwww...

  60. Erm ... so what's the end result ah? Do you feel like a 16 years again?

    You really should go naked into the pond if it works. I mean ... I am sure you can certainly endure those ... nibbles! You should bring along your laptop and type and see what blog will come out of it ... ha ha ha.

  61. Wow, I like, I like. I want to go there. But I think for the first few minutes, I will be laughing with tickle.

    How did you get the first picture? What century was that? :P

  62. Wow i have never heard of such a thing, how interesting is this.
    I love how you started your story with the photos

  63. What a wonderful picture with the shark. Yes, you are a very creative one.

  64. Wow thats cool i bit you it tickle hehhehh. I guess i cant do that i am ticklish.

  65. You know that has to tickle!! Not for me, but I think my Annie would love it.

  66. WOW! I am not sure I could do it! THOUGH i love the idea of using non conventional tools. HOW GREEN of them!
    Wow, I still am not sure I could do it! NEVER MIND THE WHOLE BODY!
    Loved the photos. GREAT #1

  67. Fascinating exfoliation technique, which I've never heard of before, it's certainly unusual, and has the added dimension of creating a social experience, too;-D

  68. I don't know about the big ones when they bite! Ouch! Do they pluck the hair off of your legs? How about eyebrows? Sorry just could not resist. I think it would be fun to try. I wonder if they have any here in Los Angels.

    I have something for you at my site.

    Love and Blessings,

  69. 30 min session is going at RM38 in expensive compared so sg!! arghhhhh

    i liked it. but i dont think i'll be regular coz it's too pricey.
    btw they dont sell the fishes here. :( i wan to buy la. i wanna breed them in my bathtub!! ahah

  70. great entry. i love the feel of small fishes on my skin especially i love to see them when being feed.

  71. liddat i better go and try at winn's bathtub first... hehe...

    yeah, it's so much cheaper there compared to here... how come this fish spa suddenly so 'heng' eh?

  72. tigerfish,
    For those with athlete's feet, I think it's a bonus for the fish.

    You see, we have smelly tofu and durian, some people love them despite the awful smell.

    Well, athlete's feet would be a delicacy for the fish. hehehe....

  73. lzmommy,
    You feed yourself or your family to the fish. They will eat the dead skin. Cool huh? hehe....

  74. mamabok,
    I have some parts of my flaky skin on the heels eaten. The fish did eat the dead skin, so had I stayed longer and do this more frequently, I believe I can have smooth skin... eventually. ^-^

  75. midas,
    My skin felt good and I felt good too. :)

  76. Doreen,
    No! Horrors! How can immerse the face in the water for the fish to eat!? What if they go for the eyes?

  77. wilfrid,
    If I can have a body like a 16-year-old after this fish therapy, die die also I will let the fish feast on me!!

    I'm wondering if I should accept the challenge for a full body fish therapy. hmmmm....

  78. Judy,
    The first picture was taken only 6 years ago at KLCC's Science Centre lah.

    Come to Singapore, I feed you to the fish!! hehehe....

  79. ladynred,
    Yes, I would do it again! I'm considering full body now! hehe...

  80. angelbaby,
    Thanks for the award! :)

    The fish doesn't pluck the hairs of the body! I guess it doesn't taste good. hehe....

  81. winn,
    You want me to send some nibble fish over? Maybe plus a bottle of my herbal wine. hehehe.....

    Be careful when sengkor goes into the bathtub, the fish love protruding objects. hahaha.....

  82. My angel,
    I must send more nibble fish to KL. I bet LB also want to try! Ahhhh.... get him to rear them in his resort, then we can all go in the pond! hehe....

  83. Oooooh, I like!! This is such a better way than to look at tattooed fish! I love! I want! I must have!! Yes, can you imagine a full body immersion?!! Wow, even Britney can't do that!

  84. I heard about this fish spa from one of my fren in PJ not long ago.. and I even suggested them to swim inside the pond so that the fish can eat the dead skin for the whole body. LOL
