Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Food Hunt in Tangkak and Johor Bahru 吃在柔佛州东甲和新山

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After our short shopping trip at Gohtong Jaya, we boarded the buses to return to Singapore.

We had a stopover at Tangkak for a roast suckling pig lunch at a different Chinese restaurant. This suckling pig was done Peking style, flavoured with bean paste sauce and we ate it wrapped with a crepe. I also enjoyed the dishes of cereal prawns, minced meat egg tofu, sweet and sour chicken and the spicy steamed fish.

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At the recommendation of some local residents, our drivers brought us to a street where there are several traditional pastry shops.

I discovered a Teochew traditional cake shop and the owner William, was hospitable and offered us samples of their popular savoury green bean cakes (kiam tau sar piah) and kueh lapis (thousand layer butter cake).

My hubby was in a queue at the cashier when a young girl in front of him asked, "Why aren't you buying the delicious red bean cakes? They are more delicious!" I immediately shoved two packets of red bean cakes for him to pay. LOL

When a young child likes the traditional Teochew cakes, we trust her taste.

We left Tangkak and had a stopover at Yong Peng an hour later to visit a tourist shop and then proceed to a food court for tea.

As there was still time before our dinner in Johor Bahru, the driver brought us to a shopping mall in Kulai.

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We had a sumptuous seafood dinner at a halal seafood restaurant. I fell in love with their crispy fried salt and pepper flower crabs. Great with a mug of chilled beer.

Besides a steamed fish, there was a special addition of curry fish head. The seniors requested for steamed rice to go with the curry sauce. They truly enjoyed the seafood meal.

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We reached Singapore safely at 11.43 pm and handed over the seniors in our care to their children before taking a taxi home. Poor hubby was exhausted throughout the trip.

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What I lugged back from my KL trip. I could not buy much as we had to help the seniors carry their purchases. A grateful senior offered me some of her purchases. How sweet of her!

从吉隆坡回新加坡的路上, 在东甲一家餐馆享用丰盛的烤乳猪午餐, 宗亲们都竖起大拇指。

当地人推荐东甲的当地土产, 我找到一家潮州传统饼店。老字号祖传三代的制饼家,他们制作的糕饼是东甲几代人所熟悉的古早味, 是送礼的最佳选择。潮州阿哥请我们品尝新鲜出炉的手工咸豆沙饼和千层奶油蛋糕。我买了乌豆沙饼和咸豆沙餅当手信。

我们在回新加坡途中, 停留数次, 让宗亲们到商店买手信和上卫生间。

晚餐在柔佛州新山的一家海鲜餐馆享用海鲜大餐, 大家都吃得津津有味。

午夜之前我们安全抵达新加坡, 把乐龄宗亲们交回到他们孩子手里, 然后我们乘坐出租车回家。折腾了一整天, 我们上床已经是凌晨3点。老公这趟旅遊辛苦又劳累。最重要的是大家都玩得开心, 玩得尽兴。


  1. Hi hi
    Do u still have the contact for the Chinese restaurant and teochew cake shop at Tangkak?
    Able to share?
    Thanks ^_^

  2. Hi hi
    Do u remember the address and contact for the lunch place and teochew traditional cake shop that u went to in Tangkak?
    Possible to share?
