Friday, September 17, 2010

Singapore School for the Deaf - PH

PhotoHunt theme : School

Two months ago. I attended an event at the Singapore School for the Deaf. The school was established in 1963 and has been at its Mountbatten premises for more than 2 decades.

I was early that morning so I found myself a seat and started observing my surroundings. A couple of teachers brought in their young students. They are not your usual children who couldn't stop talking; unable to speak but they reached out to their fellow students in their own ways.

Their teachers were fussing around them, tidying their uniforms and helping to adjust their lanyards. 

These kids have the same needs as those of other children: they need to play, to express themselves, to have fun, to learn and to be happy. Without a parent or caregiver's help, these children would have to face many challenges in order to make it through life.

I was once the caregiver of a deaf Indonesian teenager. He now owns a successful business, married a beautiful lady and is the father of two beautiful, healthy children. Deaf children can and do grow up to live happy, successful lives.

First Commenter -


  1. Kids will be kids... the children look pretty happy there in the photo, ECL.

  2. What a great choice for the theme ECL :) Happy Weekend!

  3. It's an enriching experience for Ecl.

  4. I second Sue. School's like this are most needed. Great job.

  5. Yes, these children with hearing impairment are like other typically developing children.

    They tend to make more noise though, as I have observed since they can't hear banging doors and scraping chair legs.

  6. Thank you for this post.
    There was a time when I went to learn basic sign language at the Singapore Association for the Deaf.
    That allowed me to get to know and meet a number of people from the Deaf community. I love the song signing!

  7. nothing is impossible. Deaf people are also capable of accomplishing some big things, sometimes even more capable than hearing people. ;)

  8. Kids will be kids - regardless of their "other abilities". I have spent time around wheelchair people and the young kids in those chairs are a mischievous as any other kids. Lost of fun :)

  9. Hi ecl, nice to read about your philanthropic work with deaf children. It is a good effort on your end, to cast a spotlight at the lesser fortunate segment of our society, to bring public attention to their situation, and struggles.

    Keep up the good work, ecl . You're doing the right thing.

  10. You have reminded me of my goal to learn sign language. I think it is important for us to try our best on our part to reach out to the deaf. See you next post! :)

  11. Yes, all kids are the same, have the same needs. Nice that you once a caregiver and seeing him successful, you must be very glad ;)
