Saturday, April 07, 2007

Photo Hunters : Clean

I brought the kids out for dinner this evenng. And after the meal.......

They made a clean sweep of the food.

My purse looked clean. sighhh .........


  1. You have more than 1 kid?!! *shocked*... Those are really cleaned plates.. I can't even tell what you all had. And your purse is very ONG..

  2. Know the feeling well...
    Cute take on the theme, "clean".
    Mine's up finally - would love to have you stop by.

  3. Yep, that will clean out a purse!
    Welcome to Photo Hunters!

  4. Hi Eastcoastlife, I popped over from Firehorse blog when noticed your callsign thinking you from East coast Malaysia.
    Ahhh, you in Singapore. How I love S'pore. (still ada in-laws, out-laws, shhhh, ex-girlfriends there) Was there practically every two weeks during the 70's and 80's business cum entertainment. More entertainment, ha ha.
    And of course the moonlight nights jalan jalan on the beach (or parked there, don't ask.) at East Coast Parkway.
    Love that seafood restaurant there, near that big amusement poolslide location.
    Ohh, and listening to Matthew and the Mandarins at Shangrila Hotel lounge. He still around? Love their 'ghost riders in the sky' song! The porridge there at midnight out of this world.
    And disco with SYT's (sweet young things) at the Kasbah, Mandarin.
    Was last there in 2002 and couldn't help noticing the number of new BMW's and Mercedes driving by within the space of 1 block! Money grow on trees there? Ha ha.
    You have a nice day. UL.

  5. Eh, could I ask if you used credit card to pay? Hence you needn't need coins nor currency notes?

  6. thats a clean sweep indeed. which restaurant u went? the food there dat great??

  7. Must have been worth it, it's all gone!!(-:

  8. Wah! Tsunami!!! The comments come fast & furious!

    Saya satu anak saja. Yang lain bukan saya punya. Saya jaga anak-anak.

    Want to see what we all had, go to Jaymes' blog.

    My purse veri the ong!!! Becos the owner is veri the ong!!! Not ong Mommy!

    People think I'm Singapore's Hottest Nightclub Mommy you know! From Google lah! cheh....

  9. Oooo Cindy,
    Love your little cute kitty!

    Ah the clean new carpet for the wedding couple! That's memorable!

    Thanks for dropping by and the warm welcome! *Hug*

  10. Hello cats, goats, quotes!
    Thanks for dropping by and the warm welcome.

    I can see that you are a animal lover. Good, you have lots of love to spare. hehehe.....

  11. U kidding right? Got another purse right? :P

  12. Waaahhhh! Uncle Lee ah!
    You steady poon pi pi ah! Hebat ni!

    Welcome. I hope I'm not your ex-girlfriend, hehe... doesn't seem possible oso lah.

    Semi-retired in Canada... shiok huh! But not as sexciting as Singapore & Malaysia lah! Singapore now apa macam oso have! We going to have a casino in two years' time, tat time lagi more fun!

    I live near East Coast Park, so I know why you park there. This type of thing no need to ask. hahaha....

    Matthew still have but no the Mandarins. Kasbah oso mumpus.

    Money doesn't grow on trees in Singapore lah, it is used to pave the road, plaster our buildings and pay big salaries to our Ministers. Weren't your eyes dazzled by it then? muahahahaha.....

    Come back to Singapore again and I bring you down memory lane.......

  13. oceanskies,
    I forgot to withdraw cash and didn't want to use my credit cards. So paid with whatever cash I had and the kids chipped in a little too with their loose change. paiseh ...... hahaha...

  14. zeezee!!!
    You went back to Brazil! Why didn't bring me? I got 2 months vacation!

    That was Surf n Turf. The kids love the food, not too bad but expensive.

  15. Hi Teena!
    Thanks for dropping in. You are another animal-lover. Welcome.

    The food was yummy.

    Will go over to your blog now.

  16. Hi Tom!
    Glad you strolled-in.

    Yup, all gone and the kids love it. I wasn't the main participant.... I'm merely their atm card! :)

  17. dk,
    No kidding.... tats all I have for tonight. pssst....pssst.... borrow some money leh!

  18. LOL... great take on Clean. My "kids" actually lick the plate clean when the food is gone. Check it out in my Photo Hunter post :o)

  19. Next time leave them home! LOL just kidding ha ha ha

    hugs and kisses to you hot mama!

  20. Wonderful wonderful photo for the theme!!!

    Welcome to The Hunt!

  21. Ha! Kids and their appetites! They clean their plates and your pocketbook!

  22. hoho imma,
    You fun Canadian lady!

    I saw your 'kids'. They sure make your floor clean! lol...

    Thanks for dropping in. See you around.

  23. Tisha baby!
    I would love to leave them home but it's fun sometimes to feed these kids. You just watch the food vanish in amazement! hahaha....

  24. Hi vader's Mom!
    Thanks for coming and the warm welcome! hehe.....

  25. Heya Bunny Beth!
    hahaha.... they sure do have big appetites - for everything! They are gonna clean me out completely one day! sigh.....hahaha.......

  26. Ya loh, another purse got all credit cards lah! Don't bluff ;p
    Still got a few cents for tips even...LOL!

  27. Oh darn... Look at what I've missed! Heaps and heaps of posts which I am going to spend some time reading. Sighzzzz...

    I would rather clean my wallet for my kids (if I had one that is) rather than peeps high up there... you know what I mean!

  28. It would have been a lot worse had the plates still been full, as your purse would still be empty!

  29. Hello Ed!
    Glad you could stop by. You had a busy week huh!

    Right... you also don't agree that the peeps high up there deserve the ridiculous pay huh!

  30. Captain Picard,
    Oh yes. That's right. :)

    You know my kids are so amazing, they are not picky and eat almost anything. It's a task feeding them! I love a good eater though.

  31. Nice work there by your kids. It is a far far better thing to have them finish all the food then to waste. My personal philosophy is to never waste food as it is not only a sin but also a tragedy for the many many in this world who go to bed hungry night after night.

  32. Good.... sweep clean :)
    No food wastage :D

    wow.. only 20 cents left inside your purse? LOL

  33. yes cool insider.
    I make sure my kids order or take only what they can finish. No wastage. They have to eat all the vegies, even if they dislike it. We have to be thankful for what we have and count our blessings every day.

  34. Dr Chen :)
    Nice work by my kids huh! food and my money... hahaha...

  35. Bellies full of food, minds full of conversations, lives full of love. AHHHHHH!

  36. yes teacher Dave!

    ...wallets and pockets empty of cash!! hehehe....

  37. Hahaha... Well, my mom always said to me that I can save on anything but not on food. At least your kids licked all the plates clean, it must be worth to pay for.

  38. It's unbelievable how they can eat, isn't it? I laughed at the last purse photo!

  39. Wow! They sure cleaned up those plates! And the wallet isn't ever far behind. Oh for the days when you could feed a family of four for $10. When I was a kid there was an All You Could Eat buffet for $2.50 per person. My brother could eat $10 worth all on his own.

  40. hello meeyauw,
    Thanks for stopping by. Welcome.

    You should have seen them eat at buffets!!! hehehe.....

  41. Hi srp!
    Welcome to my blog.

    Wow!$2.50 per person for a All You Could Eat buffet ! That must be a long time ago :)

  42. Great photos, I hope your poor purse recovers, it must feel so violated right now.
    You got some cool things on ur sidebar, gonna go investigate them now.

    Welcome to Photo Hunt, I been playing for two weeks now and it's a barrel of fun.

  43. hehehe jmr....
    I hope my purse recovers too... and fast. :)

    Feel free to browse around and sign up for the useful ones.

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

  44. Ho Ho Ho.
    I always got the 'clean' feeling when I look at my wallets, after my kids meal.

  45. haha... yenjai,
    I also have this feeling after coming out from the toy shop, bookshop, snack shop.....

