Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hainan Wan Quan Town 海南琼海市万泉镇


When I was in Haikou, I was introduced to an official who is from Wanquan. He invited me to visit his hometown. So one afternoon, with my relatives, we went to Wanquan town to visit my new friend.


We went by car but I discovered there is public transport from Jiaji town to Wanquan town. It costs 2 renminbi only.


As it was a rather small town, we decided to take a walk through it on that quiet weekday. Fortunately it was not a sunny day, so we enjoyed the tour without getting "baked". haha...

Wanquan town was renovated in recent years to promote tourism. My new friend narrated memories of his childhood in Wanquan, he had a hard life as his family was poor and his hometown was mainly into farming and fishing then.


During the day, the town is very quiet. At night, the little town would be packed with visitors arriving for their local food. We should have visited in the evening as the shops and restaurants would be opening for dinner and there will be open air BBQ.


We went into this well-known local cafe for some refreshments.


At the main doorway of the cafe, my brother-in-law pointed excitedly to some of the displays. He found an old plough and yoke. It brought back memories of his paddy farming days.  


At the entrance of the cafe were some oil lamps. My nephew said in the 80s he studied for his examinations in the dim light of these oil lamps.


The hanging lamp shades at a corner of the cafe were old fishing traps. Bamboo was weaved into a cage which had a funnel opening that was easy for the fish to enter. One end has a big opening but it tapers to a narrow exit opening. So it was easy for the fish to get in, but hard to get out.

Brother-in-law promised to make one for me so he could bring me fishing by the river. haha.....


This cafe was situated by the side of a river. The owners cleverly built furniture and structures into the trees so customers could have their refreshments amidst the tranquil and beautiful surroundings.


Pleasant alfresco setting in the cafe.

在海口认识一个领导, 他是万泉人, 他邀请我去参观他的家乡。于是有一天下午,我和亲人去万泉镇看望我的新朋友。

万泉镇在琼海市, 被打造成了一个特色小镇。万泉水乡小镇,有风光旖旎的文曲河,景物美好,令人感到心曠神怡。

我们到万泉镇文曲桥畔“原乡人”咖啡餐吧享用茶点,  欣赏水乡风景,品尝水乡美食。

从市区嘉积镇过去万泉水乡是大约6公里, 琼海市区11路公交车直达。

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