Monday, June 17, 2013

PSI Hit 152 As Haze Worsens in Singapore

Haze 2

Our World Tuesday

Incredible! Haze hit unhealthy level in Singapore. A high PSI reading of 152 was issued at 9 pm.   A PSI reading of 51-100 is "moderate" and 101-200 "unhealthy" range.

Children, the elderly and those with heart or lung diseases are advised to reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor activities in view of the haze. I should also limit prolonged or heavy outdoor activities. -_-

Haze 1

With some 138 hotspots detected over Sumatra, the hazy conditions are expected to persist for the next few days. I am worried as a couple of my students are suffering from asthma.

haze 3

This haze problem is causing widespread health problems and would probably cost the regional economy billions of dollars as a result of business and air transport disruptions. -_-

空气污染指数惡化, 处于不健康水平。空氣污染指數更突破152!!


  1. I was in Singapore when Haze came for the first time. Incredible when it never happened and now,

    1. We have been suffering for the past few days, the current smog is the worst since 1997, when the index hit 226. I have a dry throat, dry eyes and now a terrible cough. :(

  2. every year the same thing...sigh...nothing new. have to keep stock of face mask at home

    1. It wasn't so bad the past years so I don't keep stock of face masks at home. Now when I need them, they are out of stock at retail stores. :P

  3. Haze is something terrible ! I have breathing difficulties when it is the case and have to use a "puff" like for asthma.

  4. I heard its 170 now?! Remember to drink more water and cut down on outdoor activities....

    1. The PSI was that high earlier. I had to stay indoors, can't breath well when I go out.

  5. Singapore's air on 19 June 2013 was on the cusp of being "hazardous" as the Pollutant Standards Index soared to 290 at 9pm, the worst reading ever in the Republic.

    Air becomes hazardous when the index passes 300. The worst smog reading before this was 226, in 1997.
