Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Mozzie Wipeout - Campaign Against Dengue in Singapore

PM dengue
Our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong kicked off the "Do The Mozzie Wipeout" campaign 
with the unveiling of the campaign logo at Mayflower Mall.

“Do the Mozzie Wipeout” campaign was officially launched on 28 April 2013 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, and Minister for Health, Gan Kim Yong. This campaign calls on everyone in the community to do their part to prevent dengue. The numbers of dengue cases hit the 500 mark this week, the NEA forecasts that the situation could get worse as the typical dengue peak season approaches.

As of 3rd May 2013, 5823 dengue cases cumulative since 1 Jan 2013.

Lim BC dengue
MP Lim Biow Chuan going door-to-door to spread the message

Without everyone in the community to do their part to remove mosquito breeding in our homes, Singapore cannot break the chain of dengue transmission. The Aedes mosquito breeds in artificial containers mainly found in homes, and its life-cycle averages seven days. To break the breeding cycle,  do the 5-Step Mozzie Wipeout regularly.

In an island-wide effort, volunteers will also be going house-to-house to spread the message and show residents, especially senior citizens, how to prevent and get rid of potential mosquito-breeding sites in their homes, to complement the educational visits that NEA officers have been conducting.

Volunteers will also be looking out for potential mosquito-breeding grounds in their neighbourhood.


I had dengue fever in 2005. It was a terrifying and miserable experience. I hope nobody has to go through it.

To keep our community safe, we hope more of our neighbours can join us. Together, we can stop the spread of dengue, and keep our families, friends and neighbours safe.


  1. How horrible it must've been to catch dengue fever! This is a great public health message.

  2. there has been many cases of dengue reported lately nearby my housing area, basically dengue just fever and sleep right? :P

    1. Your city too? Keep safe, it is terrible to be defeated by dengue, can die. :(

  3. Just sprayed a mozzie inside my home-office... die you mozzie! ;)
