Friday, June 02, 2006

Day 11 - Chinese Knot Making class

I followed the kids to school. The first lesson was Chinese Knot Making.

A TV station sent their crew down to film our kids.

The kids showed great interest & enthusiasm for this ancient art. Many kids were struggling with their ropes. Jaymes got the hang of it & soon completed his artwork. When the TV crew asked how he did it, he replied,"Patience pays." Mr Yao & I were so proud of him!

The kids had PE (physical education) after art class. The coach made them jogged, exercised & later played games with them. The kids enjoyed the workout. Jaymes was copping well.

The kids made good use of their rest time by working on the Chinese Knot making. Jaymes helped two of his female classmates to complete theirs. At the end of the day, he had made 4 pieces of art work.

Alvin & Zhi Hao stayed in the Art Room to learn more knot making skills. Even Mrs Er's daughter was enjoying the craft.

I looked in while the girls were having their dance practice. They were dancing beautifully. They had worked hard these 2 weeks. Mdm Koh should be proud of them. I am.

At 4.20 pm, teacher Zhang Wei arranged for our kids to meet their Chinese friends who would be coming to Singapore in July.

The children mingled well & went out to the garden for pictures & games.

Alvin had a slight fever, so Mr Tan brought him back to the hotel first.

The meeting ended at 5.20 pm. The bus couldn't make it to bring us back to the hotel so we had to take taxis. It cost 5 rmb (S$1) for each trip.

Jaymes & I went out for dinner after our baths. We went to a Beef Noodle Fast Food restaurant.

We each had a bowl of so-so beef noodles (8rmb, S$1.60). I also ordered a bang bang chicken (10 rmb, S$ 2). It is shredded boiled chicken & cucumber in sesame sauce - wonderful!

I bought some Pipa Cough Syrup & a bowl of beef noodles for Alvin. I also bought a bowl of beef noodles for Han Long. I went in to take a look at Alvin. I touched his forehead & sides of his neck. It was warm. Mr Yao had ordered a bowl of porridge for his dinner. He was hungry by now.

Simon was in Jaymes' room. I asked Simon to help me upload my photos since he had a laptop. He obliged.

Later I heard that the boys shared their noodles with a few girls. So sweet.

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