Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Guangzhou Rat Feast - Wordless Wednesday

Yummy Deep-fried Chicken!! No.



  1. People in China eat everything.

    This rat dish is a popular delicacy in Guangzhou, China.

    Many foreigners thought the Chinese passed the rat meat as chicken meat. Well, some dishonest hawkers do that. But there are eateries that sell meats of rat, snake, dog, cat, horse.... etc. I'll try to show you the actual dishes when I'm in China. ^-^

  2. Hi oceanskies,
    Shouldn't be eating those. They are very dirty. Wonder what diseases or virus they are carrying. Yucks.

  3. i got that in my email too! luckily i didn't eat any fried chicken in china. i ate beijing duck thou!

  4. Yucks yucks yucks!

    The other day when we were having satay, someone was wondering if it's some other kind of meat instead of chicken... yuckkkk...

    U dare eat rat, snake, dog, cat ka? But I know u dare eat cocka... oops, I mean ayam haha!

    Wonderful WW to u! Muaks!

  5. OMG ... I am speechless! Something in life are not meant to be eaten :(

    Even though those rats could be farmed and are perfectly healthy.

  6. ehon,
    If you eat at the famous Peking Duck store in Beijing, still quite safe. But others... hmmmmm

  7. mamabok,
    More ewwwwkk.... after I come back from China. hahaha....

  8. My angel,
    I ate snake, rabbit, Cocka(hehehe....), wild boar, kangaroo, scorpions, worms..... etc. I have yet to try dog, flying fox, horse, donkey...

    I'll never try rat, cat, monkey's brain and penis of animals. ewww.....

  9. Wilfrid,

    Something in life are not meant to be eaten

    Yes, I agree with you. Some crazy people just want to taste some thing uncommon.

    I encountered one scary person who wonders how differently a woman tastes, from a man. *shudders*

  10. Peranakan Dude,
    aiyooooo... tag again. You see me 'eat full, no shit give' izit? (jiak ba bo sai pang)

  11. Well I had guinea pig in Peru. I am not sure if I would try rat. Some times in business travel you get in situations where you dont want to offend the host. Oh well as long as it is not a sewer rat, but free range!

  12. Haven't tried those, and I don't feel like challenging myself to do so. :) I'll pass!

  13. Yeeks! yucks! Scary...they eat everything, don't they ? :O Almost like how some people in other countries eat fried guinea pigs and armadillo!!!

  14. So, have you eaten one yet? P

    Like the say about the Chinese, "Anything with its back facing the sun is edible for the Chinese".

  15. It's really jungle survival in China. Hahaha... I don't mind snakes and stuffs, not that we haven't ate those in army survival course. But rats? Yeeeeeyerrrrrrrrrrrr...

  16. Ok, ECL, I'll pass on that too. I don't eat duck so the Peking Duck store wouldn't be for me either.

    We had a 'pass around' dinner with many, many, courses and dishes one time in Beijing [2004]. I can't remember all the meals, that one was really good.

    Happy WW, you did exceptional this time.

  17. Oh my hahaha I think I just lost my appetite to eat breakfast! Is it really safe to eat those? :) Take care!

  18. omgomgomgomgomg... *bluek* :(

    sowwee, I has weak tummy for rodents...

  19. You have to screw up my appetite before my breakfast!

  20. whooaa...don't know if i can eat that..though it's really nice entry..
    happy WW!
    mine is up and here too Jhoaniquing

  21. GROSS!!!!Thats just nasty...I seen an e-mail on this. At least they let people know what they are eating. Happy WW.

  22. Not my cup of tea- but thanks for sharing! Learn something new everyday!

  23. I've lived a sheltered life. The most unusual thing I've ever eaten is frog legs. However, I don't think I would want be able to choke down rat.

  24. My daughter was born in Guangzhou (Xuwen). I wouldn't be so bold as to try that dish though. Maybe if I didn't know what it was. Happy WW.

  25. Eew.. how does it taste? Never in my life I'm going to eat this.

  26. Hehehe ! A very provocating post, I think I would try it why not, but I couldn't eat cats, dogs or a horse that would be impossible.

  27. got la..i added u edi la...wei u got msn or not jek?

  28. I can't imagine eating a RAT! Are you the one taking those pics? Ewwww...Thanks for letting us know! Hubby will be off for another business trip to China soon..

    Mines up btw! :)

  29. oh my ...!
    well, that's added protein to the diet .. though it is yucky.

  30. the last shot looks kind of tasty with it's crispy skin. LOL
    not appetizing once you know what it was, though. :)

    happy WW

  31. I got forwarded these pics too. I was and still hoping that it is a haox. Just too disgusting to believe it's true. How could they do this, for conscience sake!

  32. oh my poor friends!

    gonna go they might caught me either.

  33. Congratulations, ecl, you have successfully squashed my appetite! Gross! Yucks!

    If I didn't know what it was, I'd probably eat it though.

  34. Why, thank you very much for helping me in my diet.

  35. Being vegetarian, Rat would not form part of the diet! They make excellent pets. Im not sure what sort of eating a rat would make. Happy WW

  36. Normally, FOOD is making me very hungry and drooling, but this makes me drool for other reasons.... sickness... YUK x millions!!!!

    Now I'll blame you for not eating my breakfast properly... *giggles*

  37. Oh my, this is something I cannot imagine eating.. eeww!

    Happy WW! :)

  38. Eastcoastlife, can't get my tongue around those rats...so sorry! I'm sure some people enjoy them. Happy WW. Come visit me maryt.wordpress.com and workofthepoet.blogspot.com

  39. No thanks. But, I'll take your word on them served as delicacies.

    My W W is a flower, if you can find time, drop by!!

  40. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    well I have been trying to lose weight and yet seem hungry all the time..
    I think this post just helped me with my hunger problem..
    because I don't think I want to eat anything ever again.

    Happy WW

  41. ECl, u never tried horse before? It's fairly common here, and I've tried it only once or twice. Tastes exactly like beef, but much tougher and leaner. Rats? Errr, I'd like to think it's all in the mind, and that it might even taste better than chicken, but I think vegetables are always a safer bet.. ;-)

  42. EEEWWWWW! Okay, now I've lost my appetite. lol Thanks for the info...disgusting it is. I am amazed that someone would actually WANT to eat that.
    Happy WW!

  43. I can't imagining myself eating rats. But I guess if you don't know then it may pass.
    Thank you for the education

  44. Yikes, I can't imagine eating that - or anything that could be that... Interesting though! Happy WW

  45. I think I'll have to pass on the rat. Of course I don't eat chicken other than the breast.

    I guess some people are equally appalled by eating beef or any animal so we shouldn't be so sensitive to the rat.

    But still, eeek.

    Very interesting WW. I'll be back...

  46. I know why some people are strict vegetarians!!!

  47. OMG the pic in ur previous entry so funny lol!!!!

    ewwe to the 老鼠餐. wld u try??

  48. I am scarred for life....yuck...lol

    The Egel Nest

  49. I can't quite picture myself wanting to try that...I am not so adventurous...truly.

  50. Are you going to tell me that it tastes like chicken? I think I'll pass on rat, dog, cat and horse. I will eat the snake though. Have a great WW and thanks for sharing. :)

  51. well the good news is that China is on the other side of the world although I know many hunters who eat squirels who in my book are nothing more than tree rats.

    happy ww

  52. i`ve heared rats tast like chicken. nice photos. happy ww

  53. Tell me you didn't try it. I see also wanna puke *running away to toilet*

  54. maybe i can taste that not knowing what it is.lol..thanks for visiting..

  55. goodness gracious ... that's an eye opener for me, hahahaa.

  56. Ugh -- the very thought almost turns my stomach. I guess if someone were hungry enough, though....

  57. eeekkk!!! *runs away shrieking*
    Now those are pictures that will stay a long long time in my head.

  58. Somebody send this to me through mail too. I got another one eating "leng lui" one, that's more scary.

    Anyway, support this

  59. I wonder how it taste like. I dont think we could tell much difference if they don't tell us before hand that they are serving rat's meat !!

    Janice Ng

  60. Actually, it looks delicious! I've eaten worse around the world.

  61. blog hoopin here...i love exotic food...i wonder how it tastes?

  62. Wah, they made the rat meat look like a chicken drumstick!

  63. awww poor poor rats!!
    *throw up*

  64. Show the cats and the dogs too! yum yum! Its supper time!
