Friday, October 14, 2016
Thai Pineapple Fried Rice 泰式黄梨炒饭
My staff delivered two beautiful pineapples to my house this morning. When my son saw it, his eyes glittered with joy. He asked me to cook Thai pineapple fried rice with it.
The ripe pineapples looked so juicy, it is a waste to fry rice with it but since my son is craving for it, I shall make the dish.
I sliced a pineapple and scooped out the flesh, leaving a hollowed fruit to be used as a serving bowl. *smiles*
Since it is a last minute 'order', I have to rummage through my fridge for ingredients. Fortunately, I have some steamed rice and some roast pork belly left over from last night's dinner.
My son doesn't like seafood and he loves Chinese sausages, so I made some changes to the authentic Thai pineapple fried rice recipe and cooked with whatever ingredients I had on hand.
Method :
Heat wok and pour a little oil to stir fry the shallots and garlic. Add the dried shrimps, sliced Chinese sausage and roasted pork belly to fry until fragrant. Put in the rice, then the egg. Throw in the spring onions and cubed pineapple with some pineapple juice. Stir fry until well mixed and the rice grains have absorbed the pineapple juice. Scoop the rice into the hollowed pineapple.
Topped with some pork floss before serving it. The sweet and sour pineapple fried rice was so tasty that my son finished the whole pineapple fried rice by himself. haha....
早上公司职员送来两粒黄梨, 儿子看了, 告诉我突然想吃泰式黄梨炒饭。他太久没吃了, 想念那带有点酸甜味的黄梨饭。黄梨已经熟透了, 我切开它, 又多汁又甜。
还好昨晚有点剩饭剩烧肉。儿子不爱海鲜, 我就用腊肠和烧肉还有新鲜黄梨丁, 快手快脚炒了饭, 而且还有模有样的盛进黄梨壳内。像不像泰式黄梨炒饭? 哈哈。。。
泰式黄梨炒饭做法 :
热锅, 放入油把蒜米、葱片爆香。再加入虾米, 腊肠和烧肉炒匀。再倒进米饭。打入一粒蛋。加入黄梨丁和汁, 洒上一些葱花。把饭装入黄梨壳内。
儿子把这粒黄梨炒饭吃得精光, 胃口真好! 哈哈。。。
my mouth is watering!