Thursday, October 20, 2016
Discover Deepavali in Little India 屠妖节前逛小印度
Enjoyed breakfast at an Indian fast food restaurant in Little India with a couple of overseas Chinese friends. I brought them here specially to eat the huge Batura and long paper Thosai. It was their first time seeing and tasting these food. they were so excited and kept taking pictures. They ate the Indian bread using their fingers. LOL
We paid a visit to the Indian Heritage Centre so our guests could understand the culture, heritage and history of the Indian community in Singapore. We spent an hour going through the exhibits by ourselves. There were very few visitors in the morning, my guests were delighted to have the place to themselves and took lovely pictures without being photo bombed by strangers. haha....
There was a Deepavali Bazaar in front of the Indian Heritage Centre, we wandered through the aisles of stalls, milling with the shoppers looking for attractive buys and unique souvenirs to bring home. I couldn't help buying myself some Indian costume jewellery too.
As Little India is preparing for Deepavali, we noticed lots of colourful displays and beautiful decorations being put up along the streets and on almost every building.
At an open field, we saw some colourful displays and stopped to take some photos. An Indian guy came to befriend us and explained the significance of the displays. It was so nice of him sharing his culture with us.
As we were walking through the lanes to the train station, we saw this stall selling fruits and vegetables. We went to have a look and discovered some fruits which we didn't know existed. Sadly, the Indian stall holder could not speak English, we still do not know what are the names of those fruits. LOL
Another shop that made us stopped to have a look was this popular Indian sweets shop. Bought some Indian sweets to share with my young guests who enjoyed the sweet stuff. I tried to avoid sugary foods and gave them my share. haha...
My overseas guests were dazzled as they enjoyed the sights and sounds of Little India in the run-up to Deepavali. I enjoyed myself as well and hope to bring more friends here to soak up the festivities before Deepavali.
早餐带中国来的朋友在小印度的印度快餐店吃异国料理,来两份特别的印度饼, 朋友们看得目瞪口呆, 齐声说: "不可思议的印度饼! 拍照! 拍照! 快拍照!" 哈哈 。。。
印度人吃早餐都是以手抓饭或是抓饼吃,他们也入境随俗喔。这印度饼不用沾酱直接吃, 口感吃起来很脆, 而且不油腻, 就算很薄, 也不会没味道, 香味还是有存在的。
吃过早餐后, 就去参观印度传统文化馆, 让外国朋友进一步了解新加坡印度族社群丰富多彩的文化遗产。博物馆早上没那么多参观者, 我们度过了一段轻松愉快的时光。
印度传统文化馆建在位于甘贝尔巷(Campbell Lane)与客来富街(Clive Street)交界处, 这里属于小印度的中央地带。参观了博物馆, 我们顺道在小印度逛逛。
朋友们很幸运地遇上屠妖节期间,小印度的大街小巷到处陈列着鲜明而艳丽的拱门与彩灯, 变成一个装饰华丽的世界。我们穿梭在巷弄中, 走走停停, 品尝有特色的印度甜点、美食。
我买了些甜点让朋友们品尝, 年轻人不嫌印度甜点甜, 还吃得津津有味。他们在新加坡度过了一个难忘的小印度之旅。
Wow! The cows look nice! :)